Poll Everywhere Use Cases at UChicago
Small Classroom Usage
Matt Teichman, former Lecturer in Humanities, used Poll Everywhere to promote student engagement in his seminar-style “Language and the Human” course. He had his students come up with poll questions themselves and then used them as prompts at the beginning of student-led discussions to generate interest.
Large Classroom Usage
Mark Hendricks, Associate Director of the Master in Financial Mathematics, used Poll Everywhere in his large (90 students) Portfolio Theory and Risk Management class to perform concept checks and for small, low-stakes assessments.
Outside the Classroom Usage
Ana Lima, Senior Lecturer in Romance Languages and Literatures and Director of the Portuguese Language Program, used Poll Everywhere to collect questions overnight from her Portuguese students. Students were assigned readings and could submit questions on the reading, as well as upvote other students’ questions that they thought were relevant to themselves. Ms. Lima would then begin the next day’s class session with the students’ questions and use them as a springboard for discussion.
Symposium Video about Poll Everywhere
In the video below, from the 2019 Symposium on Teaching with Technology, Matt Teichman and Ana Lima discuss their use of Poll Everywhere as a pedagogical tool.